SDRPY Delegation Meets with International Agencies

12 Dec
SDRPY Delegation Meets with International Agencies

A Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen delegation held meetings with development agencies, research institutions and educational organizations in Washington, DC reviewing implementation strategies based on local communities’ project needs.

Director of Projects and Studies in the Program, Eng. Hassan Al-Attas, led SDRPY’s team which introduced the Saudi Arabia’s development projects in Yemen to pertinent international agencies, highlighting potential collaboration and research.

US Agency for International Development (USAID) was represented by Rob Jenkins, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, and Jason Foley, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Middle East.

The two sides discussed ways of enhancing joint cooperation and the role and importance of development and reconstruction in Yemen.

Yemeni Ambassador to the United States Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak met with the group to discuss strengthening the relationship between the program and the embassy through future collaboration on development projects implemented across vital sectors.

Meetings were also held with World Bank, Middle East and North Africa officials focusing on encouraging joint work with international organizations already in Yemen; Middle East Institute President Dr. Paul Salem, Senior Vice President Jerry Feierstein and scholar Alain Keswetter discussing Yemen’s progress towards UN Sustainable Development Goals; Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative Director Kirsten Fontenrose, Distinguished Fellow Franklin D. Kramer, and William Wechsler, Director of the Rafik Hariri Center & Middle East Programs concerning the balance of short-term needs and the transition to long-term stabilization and sustainability efforts in all sectors; and the National Council on US Arab Relations (NCUSAR) President Dr. John Anthony, Senior Vice President Mr. Pat Mancino and Board Members Abbas Al-Dahouk and John Pratt regarding possible collaboration methods.

SDRPY is a Saudi Arabian program created to implement projects across Yemen in partnership with the legitimate government to improve agriculture, fisheries, health, education, electricity, transportation and water. With over 70 projects underway, SDRPY is building and restoring critical infrastructure, increasing job opportunities and improving standards of living, empowering Yemenis, and effecting sustainable recovery in Yemen.